Nu finns nya MÅL-boken i e-pub! Ladda ner den direkt från Buena Vida Förlags sida. Mycket nytta! //Antoni
Läs merNu finns nya MÅL-boken i e-pub! Ladda ner den direkt från Buena Vida Förlags sida. Mycket nytta! //Antoni
Läs merDoes it matter how people make and take decisions? How you do it? Of course it does. Here the 3 decision styles and how you can persuade them posted on LinkedIn recently. What are your thoughts? All the best //Antoni
Läs merWelcome to part 2 of my advice for you who are working in a stand at an exhibition.
Läs merCheck out this article I made as a columnist for the event magazine Kick-Off It’s not the place, it’s the people. Now on LinkedIn
Läs merWelcome to this series of exhibition advice, for you who are working at a stand and want to make this investment successful.
Läs merVill du förstärka din kommunikation? Vill du bli bättre på att tolka andras kroppsspråk? Låt mig då bjuda dig på 51 gester och vad det signalerar.
Läs merInspired by a quote from Carnegie Institute of technology and my latest delivery as a speaker coach, I made a short, 3-minute film for you guys who are techies and are about to do a presentation to a customer. Check it out and try to keep an open mind please ^_^ //Antoni
Läs merTwo tips in under three minutes on what you need to think about if you’re techie, presenting. Warning: by taking part of this, you will know things. You cant say you didn’t have a clue… Check out: When a Techie Communicates
Läs merHere’s a clip from Nordic Business Forum, a great event where 5,500 participants listened to some world class speakers, like Guy Kawasaki, Arianna Huffington, John C Maxwell, Simon Sinek, Gary Kasparov and many more. My role? The humble moderator.
Läs merAntoni Lacinai och Katarina Althin föreläser varsin halvtimme om vilka signaler du skickar med ditt kroppsspråk och med din klädsel, hos Marknadsföreningen i Malmö. Fredagen den 13e. Mycket välkomna!
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