Welcome to this series of exhibition advice, for you who are working at a stand and want to make this investment successful.
Läs merWelcome to this series of exhibition advice, for you who are working at a stand and want to make this investment successful.
Läs merInspired by a quote from Carnegie Institute of technology and my latest delivery as a speaker coach, I made a short, 3-minute film for you guys who are techies and are about to do a presentation to a customer. Check it out and try to keep an open mind please ^_^ //Antoni
Läs merTwo tips in under three minutes on what you need to think about if you’re techie, presenting. Warning: by taking part of this, you will know things. You cant say you didn’t have a clue… Check out: When a Techie Communicates
Läs merHere’s a clip from Nordic Business Forum, a great event where 5,500 participants listened to some world class speakers, like Guy Kawasaki, Arianna Huffington, John C Maxwell, Simon Sinek, Gary Kasparov and many more. My role? The humble moderator.
Läs merLet me give you 51 gestures that you and others sometime use. Some of them signal confidence. Other signal discomfort, aggression, dominance and so forth.
Läs merThis one is for you who run meetings, and want to improve your own, and the participants performance during internal meetings. Check out: Make Meetings Work, order it, read it and become the maestro of meetings.
Läs merSo you insist on using PowerPoint even though you know how boring it is ? Well, here are 15 tips from me.
Läs merFrom my monthly thoughts about communication, motivation, leadership etc. From Berlin and back… https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140613111443-2200620-are-you-emotionally-secure?trk=object-title
Läs merImagine you are working in a booth at an expo. It is way past lunchtime and you still haven’t got around to eat. You are tired. Your feet hurt. The last visitor was a drag. And as you turn around, a new visitor approaches you…
Läs merHave you ever felt that many conversations are repetitions of previous ones? You meet someone and ask, “What’s up?” or “How are things?” or something similar. You probably know the answer before the person even speaks….
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