This will make you unique in B2C sales!

There is a secret, a Unique Selling Point that can be yours if you are into B2C sales.

To get there, I’ll first give you three examples of when I have was the customer recently. Or at least tried to be …

  • Our villa roof is full of moss. There are suppliers who spray on some sort of chemicals and then the sun and rain make sure the moss falls off and leaves a nice brick roof afterwards. I was looking for the nearest supplier online. It was on a Sunday a few weeks ago. I filled in a form and asked for a contact and a price.

I sent clear buying signals. The response was … nonexistent! ( I am still waiting…)

  • On two occasions in January this year, different car dealers called me (they saw that my lease for the car I had was about to end). I said I could definitely consider a new model. They would return with proposals within short.

I sent clear buying signals. The response was … nonexistent! ( I am still waiting…)

  • Eight weeks ago I went to another car dealer. After twenty minutes, a sales man finally acknowledged my existence. I told him iI was thinking about changing my car to a newer model since my lease was about to end. He would return the following day.
    I sent how clear purchase signals were

I sent clear buying signals. The response was … nonexistent! ( I am still waiting…)


Can you see where this is headed? How can you, unlike so many other B2C sales people, make yourself unique? The answer is so simple:

“Do what you say you will do”


To keep a promise is so uncommon that you will appear being the best sales person in your industry! It sounds ridiculous but unfortunately it is not.

You will also get new businesses by recommendation when your customers become your ambassadors. All this because you are doing this only thing. Do what you say you will do!

Thanks for reading my thoughts

// Antoni Lacinai




ps  – actually, I am not waiting. Even if they come back now, I will probably just choose another supplier who wants my money.


Antoni Lacinai is an international speaker, trainer and author, with a focus on increasing peoples verbal and nonverbal communication. He trains leaders, sales people and teams in great communication and effective meetings. He is also a highly appreciated moderator and workshop facilitator.

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