English posts

A sales meeting? I thought it was a customer meeting?

So when you call a customer, is it a sales call or a customer call? And does it matter? If you want to read my mind, check out the LinkedIn-post “A sales meeting? I thought it was a customer meeting?” (psst: Being passionate about communication, I do believe it matters what you call it)

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6 tips for a great panel discussion

If you are in a panel discussion on stage, it may be good to know how to behave. Here are six quick tips: Find out if this is a debate or discussion. Debate is about winning or losing. A discussion has no winner. Instead everyone contributes and listens. Ask yourself two questions before you join…

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Are you in love with reorgs?

Here’s a thought around reorgs, information meetings, and the challenges these two creates when you combine them… It’s on LinkedIn so your need that in order to read it Oh, no! Another BOHICA-meeting!  Enjoy! ^_^ //AL

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3 reasons why people hate goals

If you’re on LinkedIn, I would like to share with you the three reasons so many people hate goals. It’s a column of approximately on A4 page. Do you agree on my view, or do you have other explanations? //Antoni

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