Inlägg taggade ‘communication’

Tio minuter om mod

Jag hade äran att vara avslutningstalare på en virtuell konferens i Finland där temat var Courage. 1500 deltagare lyssande på mina tio minuter där jag lyfte två hjältar; Jaako som jag träffade i en Jacuzzi och som skulle cykla 2000 km utan träning och Andreas nio år, kompis med min son, som skulle lära sig…

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Is employee engagement really about employees?

Study after study show that the engagement level is fairly low among employees. Sure, a few are actively engaged, motivated and willing to go that extra mile. Some, however, are doing what they can to sabotage, bully and in other ways behave like bad apples. For that second group: Take a long look in the…

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What makes Donald Trump such a good communicator?

Late autumn 2016. The world was in a state of shock. An unscrupulous billionaire, TVstar, Grab-them-by-the-pussy-old-man was elected as the next US president. How the hell could it happen? Many have followed this circus with fascination, disgust, but also love for his sarcasm, outbursts, his waving hands, arrogant “nose-in-the-air”, and simple linguistic use. I claim…

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